Best Never Have I Ever Questions

Best Never Have I Ever Questions

The game of “Never Have I Ever” has always been a party favorite. It can turn into a sort of “tell-all” game if you pay attention to your friends’ responses! Because of this, it is important to allow people to share their stories behind their experiences or to choose to keep their stories private. Not everyone wants the game to become a confessional, and I’m sure you all would like to save your friends from undue embarrassment.

Remember, scoring in this game is not the point of the game, but it is a fun element of it. You have multiple ways you can do this. I learned that you have everyone place their hands out in front of them with all fingers forward. For every statement they are guilty of doing, they must hide or put down one finger. Whoever has the last finger “standing” is the winner. Other ideas include using pennies to remove, circles to cross out, or anything else you can think of. The options are endless. The idea is that you have ten items to start with, whatever they may be, and you are out when you have been guilty of ten statements so that your items are gone.

Best Never Have I Ever Questions

How well the people in your group know each other will also impact what happens while you play this game. When you know people well or they know you well, everyone in the game may have to think pretty hard about what to say that will shock everyone, so we have come up with some ideas to spark your brain into action for this game. Three categories here can help you figure out what you can say when it is your turn to make a “never have I ever” statement. Each statement is considered a question because it’s as if you are asking the people in the group if they have ever done what you are saying. Have fun and good luck!





1. Never have I ever watched “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

If you can tell all the Kardashian sisters apart, you’re officially in too deep.

2. Never have I ever done a handstand with one hand.

This takes a lot of strength.

3. Never have I ever bit my tongue.

Those who haven’t experienced this, consider yourself lucky. 

4. Never have I ever faked sick to not go to school.

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

5. Never have I ever marched in a protest by myself.

One, two, three, four, I can go to a protest by myself and more!

6. Never have I ever spent more money than I have in my bank account.

Show me the moneeeeyyyyy!

7. Never have I ever been hospitalized for a broken bone.

So, what’s the story behind this?

8. Never have I ever had a crush on an older sibling’s best friend.

A little puppy love never hurt anybody.

9. Never have I ever gone snowboarding while it’s snowing.

Maybe this is their favorite time to go snowboarding

10. Never have I ever been outside of the country.

What country did they visit and why?

11. Never have I ever eaten an entire jawbreaker.

A few dental visits later…

12. Never have I ever learned how to ask where the bathroom is in a different language.

This is the most important question to learn in another language.

13. Never have I ever had bronchitis.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

14. Never have I ever had road rage and swore.

Just tap into your zen moment.

15. Never have I ever chipped a tooth.

Now you’ll get to find out if they have a fake tooth or not.

16. Never have I ever tripped on nothing.

We’ve all done this at least once.

17. Never have I ever tried a Buzzfeed recipe.

There are some very tasty…and scary… recipes to be found on this site.

18. Never have I ever walked into a glass door.

Sometimes, you’re just too distracted.

19. Never have I ever sniffed marker ink.

Don’t try this at home.

20. Never have I ever set something on fire.

Besides a candlewick.

21. Never have I ever danced like Michael Jackson.

If you’ve ever successfully moonwalked, you’re a verified smooth criminal.

22. Never have I ever changed a car tire.

This is a very valuable skill to have. If you don’t know how, I’d suggest YouTubing it.

23. Never have I ever won a game of Monopoly.

Some people live their whole lives without ever winning a single game.

24. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

Honesty is the best policy.

25. Never have I ever eaten a carton of ice cream by myself.

No need to feel ashamed. Everyone secretly wants to eat the whole thing; we just don’t admit it to ourselves.



1. Never have I ever really liked a Justin Bieber song.

All it takes is one catchy chorus, and the next thing you know, you’re up to your ears in glossy old posters from 2013 and a drawer-full of ‘Believe’ pajama t-shirts from Goodwill.

2. Never have I ever ditched class.

Okay, there’s DEFINITELY a hilarious story behind this one.

3. Never have I ever completely humiliated myself in front of a room full of people.

There’s no one that hasn’t done this at least once.

4. Never have I ever had a crush on one of my teachers.

High school was a weird time for all of us.

5. Never have I ever fallen asleep in the movie theater

You will have to share which movie this was so we don’t go and see it.

6. Never have I ever sang in the car by myself.

Pretty sure everyone does this.

7. Never have I ever played the piano.

Are they a natural Beethoven?

8. Never have I ever snuck out of the house.

If you went through a rebellious phase, you know what I’m talking about.

9. Never have I ever performed in a talent show.

It takes a brave soul to get up on that stage.

10. Never have I ever used the bathroom in complete darkness.

Power outages call for desperate measures.

11. Never have I ever farted in an elevator and pretended it wasn’t me.

It takes the whole farting experience to a whole new level.

12. Never have I ever worn Crocs.

There’s no shame in wearing a pair of Crocs out to the grocery store, just as long as you don’t

wear them anywhere else.

13. Never have I ever had my mom cut my hair.

This can bring up some bad hair day stories or even better, bad school picture day stories!

14. Never have I ever been awake for longer than a straight 24 hours.

If you’re a mom, I think this is quite possible.

15. Never have I ever gotten my face stuck between the bars of a fence, bunk-bed, etc.

When you’re a kid, this is literally the most terrifying prospect in the entire world.

16. Never have I ever given someone (including myself) a black eye.

All you clumsy peeps, we know your pain.

17. Never have I ever pulled a push door.

Don’t worry; you’re not the only one.

18. Never have I ever broken a pen ink capsule in my pocket.

And the guys at the office won’t let you forget it.

19. Never have I ever kicked a masseuse during a massage by mistake.

This and the black eye question might go hand in hand.

20. Never have I ever not brushed my teeth for over two days.

This should probably go in the gross category.

21. Never have I ever dyed my hair an insane color.

Whether it was a college dare or a high school phase, there’s bound to be a hilarious story behind this one.

22. Never have I ever cried in front of a police officer.

If you have ever been pulled over for speeding, this is definitely a possibility.

23. Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself.

You know a story is funny when this happens to at least one person in your group.

24. Never have I ever picked a wedgie in public.

When you gotta’ pick, you gotta pick.

25. Never have I ever tasted cat/dog food.

At one point or another, we’ve all wanted to taste what our furry friends find so yummy.



1. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping during the day.

More details to come!…With whom? Where? How old?

2. Never have I ever stuck gum under a desk.

This is just plain rude.

3. Never have I ever gone to the bathroom and not washed my hands.

Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances.

4. Never have I ever eaten food from off the ground.

As long as it’s within the five-second rule, right?

5. Never have I ever peed in a friend’s pool.

Hopefully, you are still friends with this person despite what you did in their pool.

6. Never have I ever picked my nose and eaten it.

Kindergarten was indeed a strange time.

7. Never have I ever mooned someone at night.

Hopefully, the moon wasn’t that bright outside at the time.

8. Never have I ever eaten raw fish.

In some countries, raw meat is considered a delicacy.

9. Never have I ever coughed on my boss.

This is how global pandemics start.

10. Never have I ever puked after watching someone else puke.

I’m gagging just imagining this.

11. Never have I ever peed in the shower.

If you ever try this, at least make sure you aim well.

12. Never has my finger ever accidentally poked through the toilet paper while wiping.

Cheap toilet paper… but at what cost?

13. Never have I ever laughed so hard snot came out of my nose.

That must have been one really hilarious joke.

14. Never have I ever had diarrhea at a friend’s house.

If you can’t picture this, just imagine the purest emotion of sheer panic and terror, and that’s pretty close.

15. Never have I ever sneezed on someone’s face or had my face sneezed on by someone.

This is why you always carry Germ-X with you.

16. Never have I ever woken up with a bug or bugs in my bed.

Remember that myth about swallowing eight spiders in your sleep per year? Are you absolutely sure it was a “myth”?

17. Never have I ever worn dirty underwear after not doing laundry for a while.

The real question is, would you rather members of society wear no underwear as opposed to dirty underwear?

18. Never have I ever been spit up on by a baby.

It’s not as bad as puke, but somehow that kind of makes it worse.

19. Never have I ever stepped barefoot in dog poop.

The crusty kind counts, but don’t think it’s at all worse or even nearly as bad as the fresh, steamy kind. *shudders*

20. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.

Sharing saliva ain’t a crime… but it probably should be.

21. Never have I ever clogged a toilet.

If we could control the size of our poops, life wouldn’t be half as interesting.

22. Never have I ever used baby wipes instead of showering.

This is minorly acceptable if you’re in a rush and there is absolutely NO other option.

23. Never have I ever been caught in a stall with no toilet paper.

I’ll give you one guess as to why this is in the ‘Gross’ category…

24. Never have I ever overdone it on the perfume/body spray to cover up the fact that I forgot to put on deodorant.

Honest mistakes, people… they happen.

25. Never have I ever thought a fart smelled good.

You are one twisted, twisted cookie, my friend.